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Dr. Trupti Gupta*, Dr. Arun Kumar Gupta and Dr. Satej T. Banne


A constant reactivity and change in the form and probably functioning is one of the important features of living beings in biosphere. Modern scientists say that biosphere is an open system which constantly reacts with the environment. However, the nature of reactivity varies from one organism to another, which is an inherent phenomenon. This is triggered at the time of conception, runs throughout the life span and when it totally ceases, the organism dies. Within the period of life span, the nature has bestowed two important mottoes. One is growth and other is reproduction or multiplication of the species. After birth, growth and senility ultimately leading to death are inevitable process. It is correctly stated that aging begins before birth and continues through and life at different rates, in different races for different individuals and for different tissues of the body. It involves two opposite processes that simultaneously come into operation i.e. growth and atrophy. By the use of Rasayan therapy we can slow ageing process. Rasaynastands as an answer to solve the problem of healthful longevity containing mental development and resistance beside disease. Susrutaexpresses Rasayanaas a measure which extends longevity, develops positive health and rallies mental faculties and provides conflict and immunity against diseases. It is a specialized type of treatment impelling the fundamental facet of the body viz. Dhatus, Agni and Srotamsiand benefits in the prevention of aging. Rasayanacontains of two words viz (1) Rasa and (2) Ayana. The word Rasa states to the Rasa Dhatusin the context of RasadiSaptaDhatusand to the pharmacodynamic possessions of a drug in the context of Rasa Gunaetc. Ayanameans flow i.e. the measures by which one is proficient of getting the nourishing Rasa. Thus Rasaynais that process by which all the body tissues are nourished. Consequently Rasayanahelps in renewal, revival and revitalization of Dhatus. Rasayandravya is very useful for maintaining to Ageing process. ManshikaVikrati factor like Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha & Mada induce the Ageing process so we should avoid these manshikavikratifactor for maintaining to health & slowing Ageing process. Yoga, Pranayam& Healthy diet is very essential part for tumbling Ageing Process.

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