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Best Article Awards
World Journal of Advance Healthcare Research (WJAHR) is giving Best Article Award in every Issue for Best Article and Issue Certificate of Appreciation to the Authors to promote research activity of scholar.
Best Article of current issue
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Dr. Ashwini Patil*
Ayurveda, the science of life, is from time immemorial has laid more emphasis on Prakriti, Purusha, Srshti, Desha, Kala, Rutu & its relation with human beings. The interdependency of loka and purusha is wisely explained by Charakacharya. The fundamental principles laid down in Ayurveda are based on Panchamahabhuta concept which says that the shareera, the dravya and the entire existing materials are made out of it. This marks the relation of Ayurveda with nature which aims at prevention of disease rather than cure, by adopting healthy regimens. The healthy regimens include both diet and activities. Acharyas insight towards the effect of Prakriti on human beings is remarkable. We find many scattered references regarding environment in our Samhitas. The concept of Janapadhvamsa clearly indicates the effect of Prakriti on humans. Ayurveda, an Upaveda of Atharvanaveda, includes all the concepts not only to prevent and treat a disease but it shows a path to lead a healthy and contented life by preserving and understanding the relation between human and nature.
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