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Best Article Awards
World Journal of Advance Healthcare Research (WJAHR) is giving Best Article Award in every Issue for Best Article and Issue Certificate of Appreciation to the Authors to promote research activity of scholar.
Best Article of current issue
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Dr. Ria Mahajan, BDS, Dr. Navjot Gupta, BDS and Dr. Amit Kumar Khajuria*
Aim: was to find out the orthodontic treatment needs using Index for Orthodontic Treatment Need (IOTN) in Jammu city. Material and method: The study was conducted from August 2017 to February 2019. Five schools were randomly selected among all the schools in Jammu city and a random sample of 1000 school children aged 10-15 years old were selected. The examinations were conducted at schools, by one set of orthodontists with the subject seated on a chair with adequate natural light and a total number of 15-20 children were examined per day. The DHC of the IOTN was graded in five categories for each patient. The most severe occlusal trait was identified by the examiner for any particular patient and the patient was then categorized according to this most severe trait, with a score ranging therefore from 1 to 5. AC of the IOTN was assessed by second orthodontist, individual and a layperson. The soft copy of the photograph taken in digital camera were shown to individual at the time of examination and told to grade it, comparing the standard chart. Results: Combining DHC and AC of IOTN, it was concluded that 67.9% of sample did not require orthodontic treatment and 32.1% of sample required orthodontic treatment Conclusion: Efforts should be made on a larger scale to obtain a base line data based upon which various public health strategies could be formulated.
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