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Dr. Pop-Jordanova N.* and Pop-Jordanov J.
Many new approaches in the explanation of brain functions are possible using knowledge from both, computer sciences and modern physics. How the material world (brain) is related to the immaterial product (mind) is the main topic of neuroscience and it represents still unsolved problem. Brain science researche helps to determine locations and patterns of neural activation associated with various psychological functions. However, the mind-brain puzzle is complex and not yet clear. In this article we discuss the neuro-physical mechanisms underlying mind-brain interaction using transition probability concept of arousal, based on field-dipole quantum interactions. We propose a theoretical approach to explain the characteristic empirical interdependence between the states of arousal (representing the level of consciousness) and EEG activity. Additionally, we introduced a relevant parameter for calculation of mental arousal named brain-rate, which is expressing the mean frequency of brain rhythms i.e. EEGspectrum weighted frequency. Using this formula, we calculated the arousal for normal people and in different clinical disorders. Empirically, we showed that brain-rate measurements can be used to discriminate the groups of under-arousal and over-arousal disorders. This approach is suitable for revealing the patterns of sensitivity/rigidity in the EEG spectrum, including frequency bands related to the permeability of corresponding neuronal circuits.
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